Monday, December 20, 2010

The four faces of Edsel

This is another piece from my Figure Illustration I class. For this assignment I had to do four faces in a sequence. I chose to do four four heads that were of my friend Edsel. This piece took an incredible amount of time but in the end I think that this is the best piece I have done and is a great addition to my portfolio. The hardest part was separating the heads from each other in the hair area but just leaving an area of medium grey around the outline made them pop out from each other. Another problem was making them sit down and to do that I simply weighted down the line in the collar of the shirt.
I am very happy with this piece as you can tell and I hope you enjoy it as well. This piece was also chosen to be submitted for the CCS student show.

The cop and the golfer

This was my final homework project in my Figure Illustration I class. I am pleased at how it came out but it was very hard to make things really pop because of all of the really dark areas and the large white body of the golf cart. Over all I am satisfied and I am really glad that through out this class I have really improved a lot.

Ye Olde Goblet of Wood

This is the goblet I made in my wood shop class at CCS. I made it on the Lathe. It was my first time using a lathe but I quite enjoyed it! I first had to cut the wood and then glue it together. After that I had to draw out the circle for it to be a cylinder. Then I cut it out on a band saw after that it was right to the lathe where I carved it out, sanded it and then polished it with some linn seed oil. I am very happy about how it came out and I love it! I am planning on making a set so I can use them in the future. It was also chosen to be submitted for the CCS student show.

Figure Drawing!!!

Here are my best and most recent figure Drawings. I did these while in my Figure Illustration I class. The two top ones were done in about 20 minutes and and the bottom one as done in about 15. I am very happy with them because for the most part I struggle with drawing models but these ones have made me smile.